题主的假设是错的,现代足球的发展,并不是只靠球员踢出来的。 现代足球起源于英国,最初只有英式橄榄球没有足球,因为英国人觉得足球太野蛮(想想也是)所以发明了这项运动(其实是为了阻止法国队用脚踢英式橄榄球)。后来随着移民和传教,这项运动传到了美洲大陆。
早期的大多数足球比赛都是在英式橄榄球场进行的,看台上的观众可以随意进出场地,甚至向运动员投掷杂物辱骂球员。直到1848年维多利亚女王下令禁止这种行为后,这种比赛才逐渐有了规则,并在1863年由剑桥大学率先制定完整竞赛规则。1863年至1870年间,英国各地成立了两百多个足球俱乐部。1895年成立英格兰足总,并制定了《足球比赛裁判法》。1903年在苏黎世召开的第二届国际足联大会上,各国代表一致同意英国提出的建议,即只允许具有职业身份的球员参加的比赛才能称之为“足球”(Football as we know it today was born!)。
同时,国际足联的官方网站上这样定义足球: The sport is played by two teams of eleven players with a ball. At the end of each half, whichever team has scored more goals wins the match. There are also other options to score a goal in football which make this game interesting and exciting: you can head the ball into the opponent’s net or shoot at goal from outside the penalty area. In order to keep track of the scores, games must be played for 90 minutes (or thereabouts) in an alternating number of periods called ‘halves’. Each period ends with one team being awarded a point based on their performance in that period.The team who achieves the most points over time will win.