

汉字 鼠(字典、词语) 读音 shǔ sī 部首 鼠 五笔 RAXJ 笔画数 15 ·部外笔画 14 笔顺编号 繁体字 鼠 异体字 统一码 U+003F4 CJK 统一汉字 U+7FF6 仓颉 code 2849 郑码 code PLLL 四角号码 21710 Unicode 202A GBK code DAAE GB1381 字形分析 字形字源 字形比较 英文翻译 ENGLISH TRANSLATION 老鼠,动物名。Disease-carrying animal;insectivore;pest。 鼠类。Rat;Mouse。同“鼠”。The mousy.

网络用语 Web slang DOS and Windows use mouse to mean “I am thinking”; the meaning is “I will think about that later.” The computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart at Stanford Research Institute in 1964. He called it a “pointing device” because it moved an image on a screen by means of moving one's finger like a pointer. In computing,mouse refers to either of two devices used as input/output components of a personal computer:

a small box with two or more buttons (one for each clickable area) whose function can be set by means of software,often with different functions assigned to each button. This type of mouse has been superseded by touch pads but still exists alongside them. a handheld pointing device consisting essentially of a sensor in which position is determined by varying electrical resistance.Pressure is applied by a spring loaded roller against a pad attached to the bottom of the sensor. The shape of the pad allows differentiation between clicking only parts of a cursor control icon and double clicking. It is commonly used with laptop computers.

网络短语 Net Phrases Computer Mouse 鼠标(输入设备) Control the movement of your on-screen cursor with a computer mouse. In earlier versions of Windows, you could also use a mouse to move and size windows.

Click Here 点击此处 Double Click 双击 Left Button 左键 Right Button 右键 Middle Button 中键(Windows中无此键,Mac中有该键且功能与Ctrl相同) Scroll Wheel 滚动轮 Zoom In / Out 放大缩小

常用词组 Common Combinations 计算机操作技巧 Skill Set For Computing 电脑快捷键 Keyboard shortcuts


五笔,FDJP 笔画数,13 一笔一划的鼠有13个哦~! 所以名字叫做“冯家俊”呢,哈哈~~ 还有几个字也是13画的哈,“鑫”“森”等等 都是鼠的名字呢 鼠是子鼠为水,所以五行属水是肯定的啦~(我是不是在废话啊) 我个人觉得鼠属阴火的可能性比较大一点,因为它是夜间活动的嘛…… 不过有人说鼠喜黑暗又胆小怕光,那么我觉得可能是它的弱点吧…… 因为我是瞎编出来的………(๑乛◡乛๑)~
