Lima 是首都,位于南部低地 (Lowlands) 的沿海地区,有机场和海港。在利马,除了参观一些历史古迹外,还可去附近的海滨浴场享受日光浴。 Lima is the capital of Peru and located in the southern coastal region on the Pacific Ocean. It has international airport and seaport. In addition to sightseeing historic sites, visitors can take a trip down south or go along the coast for some sunbathing. 利马的博物馆收藏有许多珍贵的文物和历史资料。其中最有代表性的是西班牙殖民者于1650年建造的库斯科大教堂。此外还有18世纪的利马大主教府、王家剧院及19世纪的建筑大师卡巴莱罗斯设计的许多建筑,这些古建筑反映了西班牙殖民统治时期的建筑风格和特点。 Lima’s museums hold an amazing array of precious antiques that record historical events as well as offer insights into different cultures. The most noteworthy one is the Cathedral which was built by Spanish colonists around 1650. Also worth visiting are the Archbishops Palace from 17th century,Royal Theater (built-in 1746) designed by Manuel Pintado Carvallo who also did work at Casas Reales, Palacio de Gobierno among others from early nineteenth century. Those buildings give you an idea about architectural style during colonial era.
南部的沿海平原是秘鲁最重要的经济地带之一。这里有重要的海港、渔港和国际机场。这个地区物产丰富, 有甘蔗、咖啡、可可、鱼和海产品等。南部沿海平原气候比较稳定,雨量也比较适中。 在那里可以参观一些历史遗迹,如古印加帝国的遗址和西班牙人占领时期修建的大教堂和城市中心广场。游客还可以坐船去附近的岛屿和海滨浴场休息度假,或者到内陆去旅游。 The coastal Lowlands in Southern Perú is one of its major economic zones. This area with important harbors, fishing ports ,and airports is well endowed with rich natural resources such as sugar cane ,coffee ,cocoa beans ,fishes and shellfish etc. With moderate climate and rainfall this plain enjoys more stable weather than other areas. Visitors may visit archaeological ruins left behind by Ancient Inca civilization, Spanish Colonial churches built here as well as central plaza in cities like Trujillo,Chiclayo ,Trujillo and Lambayeque. If time allows tourists could travel inland by train where they will see Andes Mountains and indigenous people living their lives there. There are several tourist spots not far away including places near sea shore and islands perfect for relaxing.
北部高原区地势较高, 平均气温约为20度,一年中分为干燥的夏季与雨季两部分。区内有重要的农业区和矿产区。由于高原日照强烈,所产的棉花品质优良;矿产则以锡和铜最为有名。游客可参观阿亚库乔古城